Thursday, March 22, 2012

Beyond The Screams

Beyond The Screams: A U.S. Latino Hardcore Punk Documentary

Directed by Martin Sorrondeguy (Los Crudos, Limpwrist)

Thursday, March 8, 2012


RORSCHACH photos by Taylor Keahey

This show took place last year at 924 Gilman, and was one of only three that we booked and promoted in 2011.

Thursday, March 1, 2012


A couple of photos from Libertatia 2002, which took place at Warm Water Cove in San Francisco, CA.

If the turnout looks small, that's because it was. 2002 was a busy year for the Ear2TheGround Punx, which was basically UGZ Presents & friends holding down the fort at places like Burnt Ramen, and also doing our best to support the Pyrate Punx crew by including them on bigger events like the Rampaging Insane Depravity Fests. 2002 was not such a busy year for the Pyrate Punx, and by the end of the year the only active members of the crew were (to the best of my memory) Russ, Marcus, Jeremiah, and eventually myself when I was voted in as head booker (Marcus' old position). That caused a riff in the Pyrate Punx, and long story short, Marcus and I kind of broke off and did our own thing for a couple of years after that. Pyrate Punx remained a relatively small operation until the fateful day that I convinced Marcus Da Anarchist to sign up for a Myspace account, and the rest is history. Now the Pyrate Punx thing is international, or so I've been told by newer members of 'da crew'.

Our staff photographer Sam Bortnick snapped these photos of DYSTROPHY, along with some others that I'll post at a later time. DYSTROPHY were one of the best young Bay Area hardcore bands at the time, and they played a bunch of shows for us, including the Rampaging Insane Depravity Fest and the first ever UGZ Speed Trials.